Arkansas Audubon Halberg Ecology Camp: I hope you're up for the challenge

I just got home from the second 2007 presentation to Arkansas Audubon Halberg Ecology Camp. What a great group of students they are – as always! However, this particular group touched me in a way I haven't seen before.

After the presentation, rounds of questions, photo opportunities, etc., I was packing up when several students started to line up and hand me dollar bills. I was very pleasantly surprised to say the least. Their total contribution added up to $28! I was so impressed that this group of 11 & 12 year old students was so generous to give up their unsolicited canteen money because they wanted to help our wildlife rehabilitation efforts.

Here's the challenge for those reading this: Help us by matching the students' contribution. You can donate by snail mail (HAWK Center, PO Box 1922, Russellville, AR 72811-1922) or through PayPal on our website ( Your contribution will be extremely helpful for us as we improve our flight conditioning enclosures. Thank you in advance.

Lynne Slater, Executive Director
HAWK Center (Helping Arkansas Wild "Kritters")
PO Box 1922, Russellville, AR 72811-1922

"Those who wish to pet and baby wild animals "love" them. But those who respect their natures and wish to let them live normal lives, love them more."
~Edwin Way Teale~ Circle of the Seasons, 1953

HAWK Center is a 100% volunteer organization, funded solely by donations.

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